Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Linux Servers configuration: (FTP Server)

Today I’m going to tell you the basic configuration steps of some of the servers used in Linux like FTP, HTTP and SQUID. These configurations are important in the prospective of your RHCE exam also. Hope these Posts will be informative and help you to crack your RHCE exam.

FTP (File Transfer Protocol) Configuration:

The objectives of FTP are:

1) To promote sharing of files (computer programs and/or data),

2) To encourage indirect or implicit (via programs) use of remote computers,

3) To shield a user from variations in file storage systems among hosts, and

4) To transfer data reliably and efficiently.

FTP, though usable directly by a user at a terminal, is designed mainly for use by programs.


                                   Figure showing FTP Schema


       Figure showing the transfer of files from a FTP Server to a FTP Client.


# VSFTPD Configuration.

NOTE : In my case is ftp server i have Jack and Jill with password as password in server. and is acting as ftp client to ftp server

Task 1: To Allow ftp user to download files



Step 1: install vsftpd package

# yum install vsftpd

Step 2: keep the required files in /var/ftp

# touch /var/ftp/f{1..5}

Step 3: start vsftpd service.

# service vsftpd restart

Step 4: make the service persistent across the reboot.

# chkconfig vsftpd on



Step 1: check whether ftp user is allowed to download files or not.

# ftp

ftp> get f1

ftp> bye

Task 2: To Allow ftp user to upload files



Step 1: create a directory may be /var/ftp/upload which is writeable by ftp user.

# mkdir /var/ftp/upload

# chgrp ftp /var/ftp/upload

# chmod g+w /var/ftp/upload

Step 2: Allow anonymous user to upload the files in configuration file.

line 27 looks like:


it should be uncommented and now it should look like:


Step 3: restart vsftpd service.

# service vsftpd restart

Step 4: make changes in SELinux policy to allow anonymous user to upload files

# setsebool -P allow_ftpd_anon_write=1

Step 5: change context of directory to allow anonymous user to upload files

# chcon -t public_content_rw_t /var/ftp/upload



Step 1: create the file which you want to upload.

# touch /root/client1

Step 2: check whether ftp user is allowed to upload files or not.

# ftp

ftp> cd upload

ftp> put /root/client1

ftp> by

Task 3: To Allow normal user Jack with password as password to download and upload files.



Step 1: Create user Jack with password as password

# useradd Jack

# echo "password" | passwd --stdin Jack

( NOTE: Use the above mentioned technique to assign password for the user instead of the traditional method "passwd <username>", coz here there is no need to type the password 2 times so it saves some time in RHCE exam and you can also know what password you are providing so it reduces the probability of assigning a wrong password to the user).

Step 2: keep some files in Jack user’s home directory.

# touch /home/Jack/b{1..5}

Step 3: change SElinux policy so that normal users can get access to their home directories.

# setsebool -P ftp_home_dir=1



Step 1: create the file which you want to upload.

# touch /root/client2

Step 2: check whether Jack user is allowed to upload files or not.

# ftp -u Jack


ftp> get b1

ftp> put /root/client2

ftp> bye

In case of any problem or queries or suggestions feel free to leave a comment here..:)

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